Maisie and Alice – Sierra

Today we feature Maisie and Alice for the first time, by far the youngest artists we’ve featured so far since we started back in January – aged just 14 and 12. This is an excellent cover of the Maddie and Tae hit “Sierra”, but Maisie and Alice aren’t just cover artists. Click here and take a listen to “Come Home” and I promise you you’ll be blown away (Spotify users can click here). The song is the opening number of their debut EP “The Beginning”, which is simply excellent.

I remember seeing a raw recording by First Aid Kit a number of years ago, long before they become famous and it was clear that they were going to make it big. These ladies remind me a lot of First Aid Kit and it would be no surprise to see Maisie and Alice follow a similar path to success.

 Maisie and Alice:



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